OCTOBER 2024 –

October 15, 2024- Virtual Program
Dr. David J. Keegan
Former Director, Office of Taiwan Policy  Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Director, Office of Strategic, Proliferation & Military Affairs  Bureau of Intelligence and Research.
Taiwan, China, & the U.S. – A Turbulent Triangle Between Two Elections?”

October 21, 2024- Annual General Meeting
Mr. Sean C. Carroll
ANERA  President & CEO.
“Israel-Palestine: It’s Not That Complicated

November 12, 2024- Luncheon Program
Dr. Nicholas N. Eberstadt
Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
“The World Demographic Outlook And Its Implications”

November 19, 2024- Virtual Program
Mr. Mark Tokola
Former: Vice President of the Korea Economic Institute of America;
U.S. Senior Foreign Service Officer.
“Korea: Challenging Assumptions, Challenging Problems”

December 4, 2024- Virtual Program
The Hon. Alexander “Sandy” Vershbow
Former Deputy Secretary General of NATO,
U.S. Ambassador to South Korea & the Russian Federation.
“NATO at 75”

December 12, 2024- Luncheon Program
Ms. Suzanne DiMaggio
Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Preventing a Nuclear Crisis with Iran: Lessons Learned from Two Decades of U.S.-Iran Track 2 Diplomacy

January 16, 2025- Virtual Program
Dr. Edit Zgut-Przybylska
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IFIS), Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).
“The Informal Power of Viktor Orbán: How to Control Hungarian Society”

January 27, 2025- Afternoon Program
The Hon. William M. Reinsch
Scholl Chair in International Business, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
“Lost in the (18)90s: Tariffs and Trade in the Trump Administration”.

February 13, 2025- Virtual Program
Prof. Joshua M. Landis
Sandra Mackey Chair & Director, Center for Middle East Studies & the Farzaneh Family Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies, University of Oklahoma.
“Syria after Assad”



October 10, 2023- Virtual Program
Mr. Lawrence N. Stevenson
Managing Director, Clearspring  Capital Partners.
Former: Military Officer, Canadian Airborne Regiment, UN Peacekeeping Force Cyprus.
“Cyprus: The prospects for Reunification diminish each year”

October 19, 2023- Annual General Meeting
Prof. J. Brian Atwood
Former Administrator, USAID.
Diplomacy and Development in a Transnational World

November 14, 2023- Luncheon Program
Mr. Thomas M. Countryman
Chairman, Arms Control Association.
Former: Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.
“Can a new Nuclear Arms Race be averted?”

November 21, 2023- Afternoon Program
Mr. David S. Jonas
Former: General Counsel Defense Nuclear Facilities Board;
Director of Legal Strategy & Analysis, U.S. Dept of Energy;
General Counsel, National Nuclear Security Administration Nuclear Nonproliferation Planner, Joint Chiefs of Staff:  U.S. Marine Corps.
Nuclear First Use Authority: Too Big a Decision for Just the President?”

December 5, 2023- Luncheon Program
Mr. Tim Rieser
Former Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator Patrick Leahy.
Lessons learnt on getting things done in Congress during my 37 years of advising Senator Leahy on Foreign Policy in the Appropriations Committee.”

December 12, 2023- Virtual Program
Ms. Jessica Newman
Director, Artificial Intelligence Security Initiative, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity.
Co-Director, Artificial Intelligence Hub, UC Berkeley.
AI and Diplomacy: On the opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence

January 17, 2024- Virtual Program
Dr. Suliman Baldo
Director, Africa Program at the International Center for Transitional Justice.
Founder and Director,  Al-Fanar Center for Development Services,  Khartoum, Sudan.
Risks of Sudan’s War engulfing the Sahel and Horn”

January 29, 2024- Afternoon Program
Dr. Aaron David Miller
Senior Fellow, American Statecraft Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The Israel-Hamas War: Costs and Consequences “

February 13, 2024- Luncheon Program
The Honorable Earl Anthony Wayne
Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico  & Argentina.
Managing U.S.-Mexico Relations during 2024 elections in both Countries.”

February 26, 2024- Virtual Program
The Hon. Daniel R. Russel
Vice President,  International Security & Diplomacy,  Asia Society Policy Institute.
“The U.S. and Northeast Asia in 2024: Friends, Foes, and Fallacies”

March 13, 2024- Luncheon Program
Dr. Matthias Matthijs
Dean Acheson Associate Professor of International Political Economy, Johns Hopkins University.
Europe’s Challenge: Deepening and Widening after the 2024 Elections”  

March 19, 2024- Virtual Program
Dr. Witney W. Schneidman
Senior International Advisor for Africa, Covington & Burling LLP.
Former:  Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
“South Africa’s 30 Years of Democracy: From Mandela to Ramaphosa and Beyond”

April 23, 2024-Afternoon Program
The Honorable Marie L. Yovanovitch
Author & Non-Resident Fellow, Georgetown University
Former U.S. Ambassador to  Ukraine, Armenia & Kyrgyzstan
  “Ukraine-What’s Next? “

April 24, 2024- Virtual Program
Drs. Allan Goodman & Mirka Martel
Institute of International Education
The State of International Education &  Foreign Student trends in the USA“

May 7, 2024– Annual Dinner
Ms. Doris Meissner
Senior Fellow & Director,  US Immigration Policy Program at the Migration Policy Institute.
Former Commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).
Immigration 2024:  The Story That Isn’t Being Told

September 12, 2024- Virtual Program
Prof. Joseph S. Nye
Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus.
Former: Dean, Harvard Kennedy School of Government;
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.
“Is Soft Power Still Relevant?”

September 17, 2024- Luncheon Program
Dr. Christopher Sands
Director, Canada InstituteWoodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Possibilities for the U.S. – Canadian Relationship in 2025 and Beyond 


October 4, 2022- Luncheon Program
Dr. Angela Stent
Senior Advisor, Center for Eurasian, Russian & East European Studies,
Professor Emerita of Government and Foreign Service,  Georgetown University.
Putin’s War: Russia Against the West and with the Rest

October 25, 2022- Annual General Meeting
The Honorable Victor L. Tomseth
Independent consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Laos.
“Thailand & Iran-Then and Now”

November 1, 2022- Luncheon Program
Mr. Andrew Alexander
Visiting Professional, Scripps College of Communication, Ohio University.
Former: Washington Post Ombudsman.
Washington & Foreign Bureau Chief-Cox Newspapers
“The Deadly Assault on Journalists”

November 15, 2022- Virtual Program
Mr. Peter C. Oleson
Senior Editor, The Intelligencer, Journal of US Intelligence Studies, Association of Former Intelligence Officers.
Former: Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland. CEO, Potomac Strategies & Analysis, Inc.
Director of Intelligence & Space Policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense.
Editor and Author, AFIO’s Guide to the Study of Intelligence.
“Diplomacy and Intelligence-Strange Bedfellows”

December 6, 2022Luncheon Program
Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula. USAF (Ret).
Dean, Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.
Senior Scholar, U.S. Air Force Academy.
Retired three-star General U.S. Air Force
“The Declining State of the U.S. Military: How Did We Get Here & What Are The Implications?

December 15, 2022Virtual Program
Dr. Cynthia A. Watson
Professor Emerita, National War College.
Former Dean of the Faculty & Academic Programs, National War College.
“What keeps  Xi up at Night? “

January 11, 2023- Luncheon Program
Dr. Jean-Claude Beaujour
International Lawyer.
Host, Transatlantic Talk Meetings.
“US v Europe : What Future for the Transatlantic Relationship? “

January 23, 2023- Virtual Program
Dr. Marko Prelec
Consulting Senior Analyst, International Crisis Group.
Former: Professor of Practice, Director of Applied Policy Project, Central European University.
Executive Director, Balkans Policy Research Group.
Bosnia and Kosovo: Remaining Challenges

February 8, 2023- Luncheon Program
His Excellency Mr. Stavros Lambrinidis
Ambassador of the European Union to the United States of America
“Confronting Challenges and Seizing Opportunities: The Transatlantic Agenda For 2023”

March 1, 2023- Virtual Program
Dr. Channing Arndt
Senior Director, Transformation Strategies, Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR).
Director, Environment and Production Technology Division,  International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
“High Expectations: Current Food Challenges and striving towards the Food Systems we want in 2050”

March 7, 2023- Luncheon Program
Mr. Murray Hiebert
Senior Fellow & Deputy Director, Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies,
Center for Strategic and International Studies
“Challenges facing Southeast Asia”

March 23, 2023- Virtual Program
Dr. Blair A. Ruble
Distinguished Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center.
Former: Vice President for Programs, Wilson Center.
Heroic Arts: The Remarkable Story of Ukrainian Artists Confronting Russia”

April 18, 2023- Luncheon Program
The Honorable Thomas A. Shannon
Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Department of State
U.S. Ambassador to Brazil
South America’s Southern Cone in a Changing World: What to Expect

April 25, 2023- Virtual Program
Dr. Steven W. Sinding
Former: Director-General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
Professor of Population and Family Health, Columbia University.
“Whatever happened to the ‘Population Explosion’ and where do things stand today?”

May 8, 2023- Virtual Program
Mr. Lewis M. Simons
Pulitzer Prize-winning Foreign Correspondent and Author
A Pulitzer Prize-winner examines the dangers and rewards of covering Asia’s great stories, from the Vietnam War to China’s rise”

May 17, 2023- Annual Dinner
Mr. Robert Daly
Director, Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute on China and the United States.
The U.S. and China: Understanding the New Cold War

September 6, 2023- Luncheon Program
The Honorable Daniel C. Kurtzer
S. Daniel Abraham Professor of Middle East Policy Studies, Princeton University.
Former: US Ambassador to Egypt & Israel.
Can the United States Adjust to a New Middle East?

September 26, 2023- Virtual Program
Dr. David P. Auerswald
Professor of Security Studies, U.S. National War College.
Geopolitical Competition in the Arctic


October 6, 2021 – Virtual Program
Mr. Jonathan Kuttab
International Human Rights Lawyer & Executive Director of FOSNA (Friends of Sabeel North America)
“Beyond the Two State Solution: A vision for Peace in Israel/Palestine”October 13, 2021 – Virtual Program

Messrs. Bruce Mehlman & David Castagnetti
Founders: Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas
“What’s Next? Predicting Post-Pandemic Politics & Policy”

October 27, 2021- Annual General Meeting Virtual Program
The Honorable Herman J. Cohen
President and CEO Cohen and Woods International
Board of Directors, Hyperdynamics Oil and Gas
Consultant on Africa, ContourGlobal Electric Power
Former: Assistant Secretary of State for Africa
U.S. Ambassador to Senegal, Gambia
“Africa: There are increasing signs of real economic growth”

November 10, 2021 – Virtual Program
Dr. Richard C. Bush
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution
“Taiwan’s Democratic Politics and Its Relations with China”

November 18,2021-Virtual Program
Prof. Joshua M. Landis
Sandra Mackey Chair & Director, Center for Middle East Studies &
The Farzaneh Family Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies
University of Oklahoma, Boren College of International Studies
“Sunni-Shi’a Relations in the Middle East.”

December 10, 2021-Virtual Program
Mr. David Loyn
Author & award winning former BBC foreign correspondent
Visiting Senior Fellow in War Studies, Kings College, London
Former Strategic Communications Advisor to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani
“Afghanistan under the Taliban-options for the future”

December 14, 2021-Virtual Program
Mr. John Norris
Deputy Director for Policy & Strategic Insights
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
“USAID at 60, lessons from the past and their meaning for the future”

January 26, 2022-Virtual Program
Dr. David Ottaway
Former Washington Post foreign correspondent, Middle East, Africa & Southern Europe.
Investigative & National Security reporter; Pulitzer Prize finalist
Mohammed Bin Salman: the Icarus of Saudi Arabi, & the implications for US-Saudi relations”

February 1, 2022-Virtual Program
The Honorable David H. Shinn
Adjunct Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia & Burkina Faso
What Is the End Game in Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia?

February 24, 2022-Virtual Program
Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat
Professor of History and Italian Studies, New York University
Strongmen: How They Rule and How to Push Back Against Them

March 9, 2022-Virtual Program
The Honorable Ross L. Wilson
Former Acting U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan
U.S. Ambassador to Turkey and Azerbaijan
” The Closing Chapter in Afghanistan”

March 15, 2022-Virtual Program
Mr. Stewart A. Baker
Of Counsel, Steptoe  & Johnson LLP
Former: Assistant Secretary of Policy, Dept of Homeland Security
General Counsel, Commission on U.S. Intelligence Capabilities regarding WMD
General Counsel, National Security Agency
  “The Fight over Face Recognition and Artificial Intelligence “

March 22, 2022-Virtual Program
Ms. Susan A. Thornton
Senior Fellow & Visiting Lecturer, Yale Law School Paul Tsai China Center
Former Acting Assistant Secretary for East Asian & Pacific Affairs U.S. Department of State
  “U.S.-China Relations in a Globalized World “

April 7, 2022-Virtual Program
The Honorable Marie L. Yovanovitch
Author & Non-Resident Fellow, Georgetown University
Former U.S. Ambassador to  Ukraine, Armenia & Kyrgyzstan
  “Lessons from The Edge “

May 9, 2022-Luncheon Program
Dr. Fiona Hill
Senior Fellow, Center on the U.S. and Europe, Foreign Policy program Brookings
Former Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Director,  European and Russian Affairs, National Security Council
  “US-Russia Relations “

May 18, 2022- Annual Gala Dinner
The Honorable Tom Pickering WIFA Chair & Dr. Thomas Graham  Distinguished Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations.
“Russia, US and Beyond in a Tempestuous World”

 September 7, 2022-Luncheon Program
The Honorable Elizabeth Jones
Coordinator for Afghan Relocation Efforts, Department of State.
Former: Assistant Secretary of State, European and Eurasian Affairs. 
U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan.
 “Kabul to Kansas: How the US Government Relocates Afghan Allies”

 September 21, 2022-Virtual Program
Dr. Chad Bown
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Former: Lead Economist, Development Research Group, The World Bank. 
“Trade Policy and National Security”


October 27, 2020 – Annual General Meeting Virtual Program
The Honorable Luigi R. Einaudi
Former: Acting Secretary General of the Organization of American States
U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States
“The Americas in the World: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”

November 5, 2020 – Virtual Program
Dr. Thomas E. Graham
Distinguished Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates
Former: Director for Russia, National Security Council, President G.W. Bush Administration
“Has Putin made Russia a Great Power again”

November 18, 2020 -Virtual Program
Dr. Andrew D. Selee
President, Migration Policy Institute
“How US Immigration Policy will shape U.S. Foreign Policy over the next four years”

December 1, 2020 – Virtual Program
The Honorable Elizabeth M. Cousens
President & CEO, UN Foundation
Former: US Ambassador to the UN Economic and Social Council
“Reimagining Multilateralism: A Dialogue on the UN and the Future of Collective Action in the Post-Covid World”

December 15, 2020 – Virtual Program
Ms. Barbara Slavin
Director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council
“Can the Biden administration repair the damage to Iran diplomacy and build a stronger foundation for Middle East peace”

January 13, 2021 – Virtual Program
The Honorable Kathleen Doherty
Chief Strategy Officer, The Annenberg Foundation Trust
Former: US Ambassador to Cyprus
“The Great Shell Game: Dirty Money & National Security”

January 28, 2021 – Virtual Program
The Honorable John Campbell
Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Former: US Ambassador to Nigeria
“What is happening in Nigeria: And the implications for The Region”

February 11, 2021 – Virtual Program
The Honorable Chas W. Freeman
Chairman, Projects International Inc.
Former: US Ambassador to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
“Playing War Games with China”

February 25, 2021 – Virtual Program
The Honorable John C. Kornblum
Senior Counselor, NOER LLP
Former: US Ambassador to Germany
“What to do about Europe”

March 4, 2021 – Virtual Program
Prof. Lien-Hang T. Nguyen
Dorothy Bong Chair in the History of the United States & Asia, Columbia University
“Vietnam in the World: from 20th Century hot wars to the Cold War of the 21st Century”

March 18, 2021 – Virtual Program
Dr. Dennis Carroll
Chair, The Global Virome Project.
“Lessons from COVID19: Preventing the Next Pandemic”

April 15, 2021 – Virtual Program
Prof. Henri Barkey
Cohen Chair in International Relations, Lehigh University
“Into the Cauldron: American-Turkish relations in a New Era”

April 29, 2021 – Virtual Program
Dr. Manish Bapna
CEO World Resources Institute
“Towards a Net-Zero, Nature Positive Future”

May 4, 2021 – Virtual Program
Admiral James Stavridis (Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe). 
& Elliot Ackerman (Author)
“The Next World War?”

May 12, 2021 – Virtual Program
General Kenneth F. McKenzie
Commander, United States Central Command
“Strategic Competition in the CENTCOM Area of Responsibility”

May 25, 2021 – Virtual Program
General John R. Allen
President, Brookings Institution
“American Leadership in the 21st Century”

September 14, 2021 – Virtual Program
Mr. Eric. L. Olson
Director of Policy & Strategic Initiatives, Seattle International Foundation
Small Countries, Big Problems: How Northern Central America has become a perennial challenge for the U.S. and what can be done about it”.

September 22, 2021 – Virtual Program
Mr. Marvin L. Kalb
Award winning reporter for CBS News & NBC News . Former Edward R. Murrow Professor of Press and Public Policy, Harvard University.
“Covering Khrushchev’s Russia in the Cold War”